
Rendered Illustration

Mr. Bear 2017 | View Work

Just a few personal works...

The works below were rendered by pen & ink, stylus, or a combination of traditional and digital mediums and colorized in Photoshop.

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A large grizzly bear appears to be super annoyed to wake up from its hibernation to find a sweet Spring-themed hat on his head built by the local birds.

Created: March 2nd, 2025 | Role: Illustrator

Mr. Bear has awoke from hibernation and to his surprise, the local birds have made his head their home with a Spring flowers and budding branches!

A full faced grizzly bear wears a stocking cap with a pompom and dreams of a slice of pizza.

Created: February 23rd, 2025 | Role: Illustrator

Bears always have pizza on the brain!

A sweet jar of jam filled with love hops along to spread some love all over Valentine's Day!

Created: February 9th, 2025 | Role: Illustrator

Love is in the air during the week of Valentine's Day! This little jar is full of hearts, sweets and love as spreads loves throughout the day!

A burly bear in a pom-pom stocking cap enjoys a baker's dozen of donuts and a hot coffee!

Created: January 25th, 2025 | Role: Illustrator

During the cold season, bears like to bulk up with a couple donuts and a hot coffee! It's going to get chilly out there, why not treat yourself!?

A large bear in a red and blue stocking cap is packing up snowballs for a snowball fight!

Created: January 20th, 2025 | Role: Illustrator

Snow and cold doesn't affect this chonky bear, instead he thinks it's a great time to pack up a slew of snowballs for a snowball fight!

A large grizzly bear sneakily sneaks off with a large pizza and a slice in its mouth.

Created: December 27th, 2024 | Role: Illustrator

Now that Christmas is over and all the wonderful holiday treats have been eaten, we can officially get back to eating and enjoying pizza...right?

A grizzly bear is all tuckered out in a patch of grass while a red cardinal is perched on its back.

Created: December 26th, 2024 | Role: Illustrator

Christmas is over, the holidays are nearly done, and this grizzly bear is all tuckered out and ready to hibernate yesterday, but still has to muscle through to New Years! If he can do it, you can too!

A little robot gal is off to school with her books and a big smile! Stickers are an added flare to her lunch box frame and books!

Created: September 14th, 2024 | Role: Illustrator

The joys of back to school! A new year of learning, connecting with friends and gaining new data, err, knowledge! This little robot gal is pumped!

A little bummed out robot lunch pail has his backpack on, is ready for school, but his enthusiasm is at an all-time low.

Created: September 8th, 2024 | Role: Illustrator

BACK TO SCHOOL. The heck to all that noise! While all decked out in his interests and seemingly equipped to learn, this little lunch pail robot is completely disinterested in school!

A great white shark emerges from the water with a full red, white and blue outfit detail as independence day fireworks light up the night's sky!

Created: August 22nd, 2024 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Some sharks can in fact grow hair and let that salt and pepper flow rock out in tandem with some sweet patriotic gear FOR AMERICA.

A shark with a small lighther between its sharp teeth with a small flame flickering in the night is surrounded by an emptied crate of fireworks!

Created: August 20th, 2024 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: You might want to be careful with any crates of fireworks and misplaced lighters around any sharks near the, the situation might become a spectacle!

A heroic squirrel in a bomber jacket and leather goggle hat runs with an acorn in tow like it's a football running back!

Created: August 24th, 2023 | Role: Illustrator

Sweeping into action, this daredevil squirrel with a sweet bomber jacket and goggle hat, grabs a tasty acorn to store at his home base!

A lady chicken in a sweet derby hat holds her coffee.

Created: May 4th, 2024 | Role: Illustrator

Spring has sprung and so has this lady chicken! She's out and about with a coffee to keep toasty and a sweet derby hat to show of her sense of fashion!

A shark pops up out of the water into a bouquet of spring flowers and a few bees.

Created: May 3rd, 2024 | Role: Illustrator

Rain, wind, cold, warm days breaking up the cold, and of course the flowers starting to peak out of the ground. Who loves Spring? Well this shark does.

A cicada equipped with a stack of speakers let's its droning go full blast.

Created: April 30th, 2024 | Role: Illustrator

The cicadas are back and they seem to be way louder than usual, and ah yes, a huge sound system on their back would be the reason why. Splendid.

Captain Pancake is bringing the love and is hugging an oversized teddy bear with little hearts popping up above their heads for Valentines Day!

Created: February 19th, 2024 | Role: Illustrator

Captain Pancake is back to celebrate Valentines Day with his oversized teddy bear pal! Why not give them both a huge bear hug to show them some love!

A happy robot in the shape of cup of coffee walks by the viewer while carrying a pumpking and smiling with its robotic jack o' lantern face!

Created: February 18th, 2024 | Role: Illustrator

Another updated robot! A bit out of season when I'm posting this, but the Pumpkin Spice Latte Bot is all steamed up and ready for the Fall!

A robot on the verge of losing its balance is quickly en route to serve hot beverages to cold customers!

Created: January 24th, 2024 | Role: Illustrator

Cool temps call for speedy robots that serve up coffee! The Latte bot is en route to serve up some tasty drinks to keep you warm and toasty! Beep Boop!

A cute watermelon robot walks by on its robotic legs while its robotic arms hold and eat a tasty slice of an actual watermelon!

Created: January 22nd, 2024 | Role: Illustrator

Beep, Blop, Zort! When you're a cute little robot watermelon is it a totally bad move to also enjoy a slice of a tasty and fresh watermelon?

Santa is smiliing while sporting a giant oversized red cowboy hat with a dash of holly on the headband, to compliment his big fluffly white beard.

Created: January 14th, 2024 | Role: Illustrator

A Merry Christmas, a HO-HO-HO, and a giddy up little partners! Santa's here with a big ol' cowboy hat delivering gifts and joy to all the good little boys and girls. YEEHAW.

Santa stands proudly in front of a large pile of chopped logs with his leg on another chopped log, wearing a plaid shirt and a green stocking cap.

Created: January 9th, 2024 | Role: Illustrator

Life at the North Pole isn't just about toys and spreading joy. You have to chop some wood to keep Mrs. Claus and all the elves and reindeer nice and cozy!

A shark peeks out of the water wearing facepaint as a skull, surrounded by scores of Halloween candy.

Created: October 31st, 2023 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Sharks will eat your current and past Halloween candy plunders with reckless abandon because they love them some crunchy, sweet, and gooey candy!

A sharks that has become a jack o'lantern peeks out of the water surrounded by a small group of pumpkins with jack o'lantern faces carved in them and lit up!

Created: October 27th, 2023 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: If sharks spend enough time with jack o'lanterns in the water on All Hallows Eve, they become one themselves!

A shark covered in pieces of pumpkins peeks out of the water to assess all the pumpkin destruction!

Created: October 25th, 2023 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Don't get in the water and between a shark and it's appetite for some October pumpkin destruction this Halloween!

A small robot that's is a high five with another hand waiting for a high five and also a clamp hand holding a high five waiting for your high fives!

Created: September 18th, 2023 | Role: Illustrator

A robot built to handle all your high fives! It's the High Five Robot! If you see him out in the wild be sure to give him a high five! NO LOW FIVES.

A sharks peaks out of the water with ice cream on its face, surrounded by floating half-eaten ice cream sandwiches.

Created: August 1st, 2023 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Sharks are known to totally manhandle a box of delicious ice cream sandwiches.

A shark peaks out of the water dressed as an ice cream man, surrounded by an assortment of ice cream cones in the water and sprinkles.

Created: July 23rd, 2023 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Sharks have taken up jobs as ice cream men and are serving up soft serve ice cream cones...with sprin-kills...sorry...sprinkles!

A blueberry is on a skateboard skating by, while its headphones wires whip in the wind.

Created: June 25th, 2023 | Role: Illustrator

Who loves skateboarding? Little blueberries of course. They also love listening to their Summer jams!

A dachshund in a chicago dog style hot dog costume zooms by on top of a skateboard!

Created: June 19th, 2023 | Role: Illustrator

Chicago Dogs in Chicago Hot Dog costumes LOVE to go skateboarding, of course!

A jar full of bones and skulls trots by for Halloween.

Created: Ocotber 16th, 2022 | Role: Illustrator

Skull jam is definitely a pretty grim form of jam, but hey, it's full of calcium!

A jar full of candy corn trots by while carrying a large ear of actual corn, while wearing bib overalls and a straw hat!

Created: October 15th, 2022 | Role: Illustrator

The corn jam is probably the lesser known of the Midwestern jams, but still down home and as All-American as they come!

A figure with a head of a jack o'lantern is behind a group of jack o'lanters set up as a drum set.

Created: September 24th, 2022 | Role: Illustrator

Solos, mad steady beats, The Pumpkin Drummer has your back to keep the spooky tunes moving along in perfect time!

A chicken is at the wheel of a monster truck with a chicken mascot on the hood.

Created: September 17th, 2022 | Role: Illustrator

SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY. Are you ready for four-wheel monster truck action with The Chicken Monster Truck? It's ready and rearing to get down and dirty in the MUD.

A chicago-style hot dog is riding on a skateboard while wearing a stocking cap and giving a peace sign to the viewer.

Created: September 9th, 2022 | Role: Illustrator

Hey-hey, what do you say? It's a Chicago-style hot dog catching some of that windy-city wind, cruising on it's skateboard to check out the city skyline!

The lady shark of the North Pole is making cookies and other baked goods for Christmas!

Created: September 1st, 2022 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Mrs Claus Shark is a mean mean cookie baking machine and a great host in the waters of the North Pole.

This shark is breaching the surface to destroy and assume the identities of any snowmen that might end up in the ocean!

Created: August 21st, 2022 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Shark love to destroy any snowmen that might end up in the ocean and assume their jolly identities!

A shark peeks out of the water, surrounded by an assortment of cookies and gifts, dressed as Jolly St Nick!

Created: August 2nd, 2022 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Sharks love to get dressed up, deliver presents, and eat cookies when it's Christmastime as Jolly St Nick!

A happy quarter of a watermelon skates by with some white sunglasses.

Created: July 20th, 2022 | Role: Illustrator

You're cool, but are you sunglasses watermelon on a skateboard cool? Maybe. I'm not that cool, that's for sure.

A happy ghost cruises by, hovering over a skateboard in motion while giving the peace sign.

Created: July 20th, 2022 | Role: Illustrator

Skaters never die! This little spectre is still shredding, but not here to be spooky! Be sure to give a peace sign back to this one skating by!

A skateboarding apple has a little worm friend along for the ride, popping out of his head.

Created: July 17th, 2022 | Role: Illustrator

This apple skater is on the move much to the surprise to its little worm buddy tagging along!

The small head of a chicken pops out of a very large business suit and tie with the text 'business' on the bottom.

Created: April 21st, 2022 | Role: Illustrator

Business. All business all the time. So much business. Lots and lots of business. Don't talk to me, I'm so busy with business. BUSINESS.

A stout, slightly misshapen chicken standing in its space, and it's quite large

Created: April 19th, 2022 | Role: Illustrator

Just an absolute unit of a bird. I mean look at this thing. That right there is a freakin chicken. Just a total unit.

A shark peeks out of the water wearing basket grass from an Easter basket and is surrounded by jelly beans.

Created: April 17th, 2022 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Sharks love jelly beans so much! During Easter weekend they will be on the hunt for their all that sugary jelly bean goodness!

A shark peeks out of the water dressed as the Easter Bunny with various jelly beans, chocolate bunnies, and eggs floating around him.

Created: April 16th, 2022 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Best be on the look out for sharks posing as goodie basket carrying bunnies, they love Easter.

A shark peaks out of the water in bad shape looking horrifying and looking for brains.

Created: April 3rd, 2022 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Zombie sharks are still swimming in the waters, although they are undead, and roaming the seas looking for fresh tasty BRAINS!

A shark dressed in festive St Patrick's Day attire enjoys donuts, sweets and festive drinks to celebrate the holiday.

Created: March 29th, 2022 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Sharks love to live it up, every single day of March for St Patrick's Day and enjoy all the treats, sweets and minty flavored drinks!

A shark peeks out of the water wearing a spinning helicopter hat with all of his books and school supplies in disarray floating in the water.

Created: September 29th, 2021 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Sharks are not real nuts about going back to school, but they do love taking a bite out of their school supplies!

Captain Pancake smiles at the viewer as a younger version of himself, with braces a book bag and holding his books with his lunch on the ground at his side.

Created: September 27th, 2021 | Role: Illustrator

Captain Pancake was once an awkward little dude too! Here he is with braces and book bag, ready to go back to school just like you!

A shark peeks out of the water with a rosy nose, wearing a stocking cap, gloves, a scarf, surrounded by falling leaves.

Created: August 27th, 2021 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Sharks like to bust out their scarves and mittens and have pumpkin spice lattes during decorative gourd season.

A shark peeks out of the water covered in donuts looking for some hot coffee.

Created: August 26th, 2021 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: If donuts are in the water the the shark will request coffee with its the of donuts, after he claims them as his own, thanks. THANKS.

A shark peeks out of the water surrounded by donuts.

Created: August 24th, 2021 | Role: Illustrator

Best not bother a shark when it's enjoying a box of donuts.

A Chicago Dog is dressed in green for St Patrick's Day.

Created: March 25th, 2021 | Role: Illustrator

Just a little dachshund doggo to bring you luck!

A shark peeks out of the water with a black trucker hat over a mullet, hockey stick and rope licorice.

Created: March 24th, 2021 | Role: Illustrator

Hailing from Aurora, IL, the 'City of Lights'.

Captain Pancake is peeking out of a pot of gold with a rainbow in the background landing on the pot.

Created: March 23rd, 2021 | Role: Illustrator

Captain Pancake is at the end of the rainbow with a little luck and gold!

A Chicago Dog is dressed in green for St Patrick's Day.

Created: March 16th, 2021 | Role: Illustrator

A little Chicago, a little dog, a little green.

A shark peeks out of the water beside a pot of gold for St Patrick's Day.

Created: March 15th, 2021 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: If it's around St Patrick's Day and you see a rainbow land in the ocean, beware, the gold is probably being guarded by a shark!

A dachshund dressed in a chicago-style hot dog costume with sunglasses, mustached and a stocking cap.

Created: March 12th, 2021 | Role: Illustrator

Da Chicago Dog is da best dog around!

A gator wearing a chicago-style hot dog costume with sunglasses and a mustache, with the text chicago style gator dog.

Created: March 11th, 2021 | Role: Illustrator

Da gator dog is hanging out by the lake waiting to bite back!

A dachshund dressed in a chicago-style hot dog costume with sunglasses, mustached and a stocking cap.

Created: March 10th, 2021 | Role: Illustrator

Revamp of my old Chicago dog for a new decade!

A gator wearing a chicago-style hot dog costume with sunglasses and a mustache.

Created: March 9th, 2021 | Role: Illustrator

Da gator dog is hanging out by the lake waiting to bite back!

A shark with a mullet, surrounded by fireworks.

Created: January 13th, 2021 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Sharks can grow mullets and like to get a little rowdy.

A collection of sharks with various haircuts.

Created: January 13th, 2021 | Role: Illustrator

What if sharks swam the sea with sweet 'doos?

A scary shark rests in the water surrounded by bones.

Created: January 12th, 2021 | Role: Illustrator

The most terrible shark in the seas!

A shark is beat up and missing teeth after a hockey game.

Created: December 10th, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Goon sharks aren't afraid to lose some teeth (they grow back anyway).

A shark eats gingerbread houses and men.

Created: December 7th, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Sharks have a hankering for all things gingerbread, best not get in their way.

A shark dressed as an elf is surrounded by toys.

Created: December 7th, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: When there's demand, Santa dresses sharks as elves and put them to work building toys.

A chicken and turtle have merged to the new creature The Churtle.

Created: June 27th, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

The Churtle is here to ruin your day.

An apple and its worm do jumpropes together.

Created: June 10th, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

Fitness is fun when done with pals. Also the winner of the Threadless Wellness challenge!

A trio of brave forest animals face a rising robotic smog monster.

Created: January 13th, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

A brave group of animals take on a mechanized monster!

A kid with glasses, braces and a tote bag full of computer stuff puts on a helmet before riding a mountain bike.

Created: September 30th, 2009 | Role: Illustrator

Gotta protect your hard drive, it's the only one you got!

A lemon with a ball cap on backwards skates on a skate deck.

Created: July 9th, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

The Lemon Skater! So sour, yet so fresh!

A black berry with sunglasses skates on a skateboard.

Created: July 8th, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

The coolest blackberry around and a total wild man after breaking free from the berry bush and is shredding out in the warm Summer weather!

A cherry cruises by on a skateboard.

Created: July 6th, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

If you see a red blur on a skateboard this Summer, it's probably the cherry skater!

A gray storm cloud chews on lighning bolts.

Created: June 3rd, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

This grumpy little storm cloud in some sweet sneakers is chomping on lightning bolts and getting all charged up for a stormy night!

A fluffy white cloud chugs a mug filled to the brim with sunshine.

Created: June 2nd, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

This white and fluffy cloud needs hearty, filled to the brim, cup of sunshine to start his day!

A collections of dogs living in a grand dog house.

Created: May 10th, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

With Brutus the bulldog on guard, these dogs are occupants of quite the inclusive and active dog house community! Puppies are having a blast too!

A shark in water surrounded by chocolate cupcakes.

Created: April 25th, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Sharks are known to annihilate any and all festive and tasty chocolate birthday party cupcakes when given the opportunity.

A shark enjoying a birthday party in the water.

Created: April 24th, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Sharks love birthdays.

A lady shark is surrounded by presents and birthday cake.

Created: April 23rd, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Lady sharks love birthday parties.

A shark in a birthday party hat eating a big chunk of a birthday sheet cake.

Created: April 22nd, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Sharks can do a number on sheet cakes at birthday parties.

A motivational shark that has been living in a van down by the river!

Created: April 21st, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

He's been in the lower depths of the ocean for the past 4 hours drinking coffee.

Captain Pancake is dressed as an Easter Bunny and making a run for it!

Created: April 14th, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

Captain Pancake donned a bunny costume and is making a break for it with some tasty carrots!

A shark dressed in green for St Patrick's Day surrounded by some adult beverages to celebrate the day.

Created: April 10th, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: St Patrick's Day may have come and gone, but the local sharks still celebrated the hell out of it all dressed in green!

A merman is drinking a tropical drink, wearing wingies and a Hawaiin shirt.

Created: April 9th, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

While all the vacationers are in quarantine, the mermen are free to invade the nation's pools and party their asses off.

An family of burgers pose as a family with the mom and dad burger and their three slider burger sons.

Created: April 8th, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

Just a couple of burgers and their slider kids!

A wooden robot regrows it's leaves and roots as it hosts a family of small song birds.

Created: April 7th, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

A wooden robot gets a second wind and returns to his roots and blooms!

An isolated shark dressed as a lumberjack holding an axe.

Created: August, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

An isolated version of my 'Lumberjack Shark' design.

A super hero pickle flies through the sky.

Created: December, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Some pickles have the power of flight!

A wiener dog with hockey gear on that is in Chicago colors, with a gray mustache and also a bun with chicago-style hot dog toppings.

Created: January 1st, 2020 | Role: Illustrator

Ready to rumble at the Mad House.

A cartoon cat pointing at text that reads "how about no" while giving a subtle bird.

Created: August 20th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

Little kitty thinks you can go stick it.

What if the big feet of Bigfoot were actually clown shoes? This illustraiton is that

Created: August 26th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

Bigfoot's wacky cryptozoological relative.

Part of my sharks in water series with a shark peeking out of the water with party gear

Created: September 21st, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Even sharks can be seen enjoying the last days of Summer!

A sweet pumpkin waves and heads off ready to skateboard and do some tricks.

Created: September 17th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

This jolly pumpkin is off to rip some spooky tricks and hopefully not a disastrous trick or treater pumpking smashing related incident!

A spooky group of Halloween characters hicthing a ride at night in a hot air balloon with a pumpkin print.

Created: September 13th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

The spookiest way to travel!

A robot wrapped in a giant pair of white briefs.

Created: September 8th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

No one expects the Uber UnderwearBot!

A friendly ghost with a cool pirate sword and hat.

Created: August, 18th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

Yarrr! The life of pillaging and burying ye plunder may be long gone me matey, but there's always one last adventure when you're a ghost pirate!

A friendly octopus with a mustache helps some young kids in rain coats wash a red car

Created: July 29th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

Car washes are best when a friendly octopus helps!

A collection of birds sing songs of Spring, a couple birds sing heavier

Created: July 11th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

Spring Birds are okay and let you know Winter is ending, but Summer Birds know how to rock and are the coolest.

Captain Pancake is decked out in St Patricks day gear and is clicking his heels

Created: March 14th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

St. Patrick's Day is here and your lucky pal Captain Pancake is spreading luck and good cheer while head to toe in his green gear!

A collection of single socks partying under a mirror ball

Created: March 12th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

Feeling all alone with their buddies lost, a crew of lost socks gather together, and at last, lonely lost socks find new friends and a place to celebrate!

A single sock is skating on a skateboard and smiling and giving a peace symbol gesture

Created: March 5th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

In your shoe, covering your foot, that sock was picking up all your mad tricks and skills. On it's own, that sock you lost is making a break for it!

A shark in water with his teddy, pajamas; surrounded by stars floating in the water

Created: February 28th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Sharks are pretty active and need a breather and like to wind down a bit at night for bedtime after a long day of doing shark stuff.

A shark floating in water with an eye patch and clear disregard for safety

Created: February 26th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Sharks aren't too concerned with safety, so learn from this shark! Always remember safety first! (but more fun when it's third).

A shark emerges from the water a bit too far inland

Created: February 21st, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Sometimes sharks swim pretty close to the shore. However this shark may have broken the surface a BIT too far inland. Just a bit.

An orange with green sunglasses skates on a skateboard while waving

Created: February 19th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

Orange you glad this skating fruit stopped by to say hi?

A pear shows off a trick on a skateboard

Created: February 10th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

A skating fruit that ap-PEAR-ently does the juiciest tricks!

Captain Pancake is dressed like a cherub and is holding a bow and arrow and a box of chocolates in the shape of a heart

Created: February 5th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

Captain Pancake is ready to fill someone's heart with love as Cupid Cakes!

A shark is out of water and bodying a skateboard while wearing a helmet

Created: February 2nd, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

Sharks have taken to the streets with mad skills and the full gamut of sick halfpipe tricks! With an added dimension for tricks since they are aquatic!

A cool banana skates on a skateboard while showing a peace gesture.

Created: January 28th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

The Banana Skater is the chillest banana on a skateboard you'll ever see!

A happy white cloud cruises by on a skateboard while showing a peace sign gesture

Created: January 24th 2019 | Role: Illustrator

The Cloud Skater is skating on his trusty skateboard, cruizing right to Summertime fun!

An angry cloud is ready to storm, riding a skateboard, and has an arm full of lightning bolts

Created: January 21st, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

The Thunder Cloud Skater has a bit of a grumpy attitude from starting his work off on the wrong foot and is going to let the world know about it!

A happy ghost floats above a skateboard

Created: January 16th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

Is the ghost skater riding his deck? Or Doing a sweet trick?

A triangle-shaped slice of a watermelon cruises on a skateboard while showing a peace sign

Created: January 13th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

This Watermelon Slice is skateboarding right into summer!

Captain Pancake is dressed like a Chicago Bears Superfan, and is holding a chicago-style hot dog.

Created: December 9th, 2018 | Role: Illustrator

Captain Pancake is a huge fan of a certain football team from Chicago, by the lake, of the Midway!

Captain Pancake has turned into a zombie after not being fully devoured.

Created: December 3rd, 2018 | Role: Illustrator

The shuffling feet! The mumbled groan! The pale green skin! Oh no! Captain Pancake has been bit by a zombie and has become the walking dead!

Captain Pancake is floating in space while surrounded by stars and created by a starry pancake batter.

Created: December 3rd, 2018 | Role: Illustrator

When you're an awesome superhero like Captain Pancake, the universe is your playground of heroics and discovery, so you can say he is out of this world!

Captain Pancake is enjoying the winter with a straw pipe, top hat, scarf and snowy body and looks like a snowman.

Created: December 3rd, 2018 | Role: Illustrator

The superhero Captain Pancake is all decked out for the Winter season in a festive hat, scarf and snow for the Happiest of Holidays as Captain Snowcake!

Captain Pancake is celebrating your birthday while holding a present and surrounded by confetti falling down.

Created: November 26th, 2018 | Role: Illustrator

Guess which Captain Pancake loves birthday? The Captain BIRTHDAY Pancake loves birthdays! Happy birthday to one and all! Treat yourself!

A hipster pumpking with a man bun checks his cell phone

Created: October 28th, 2018 | Role: Illustrator

The Pumpkin Bun is never without his phone!

A spooky version of Captain Pancake that is flying by with a couple of pumpkins in tow and a pumpkin pattern cape

Created: October 27th, 2018 | Role: Illustrator

My character Captain Pancake is in the super spooky Halloween spirit and remade as a stack of scary pumpkin-flavored pancakes!

A donut made up of pieces of other donuts that resembles Frankensteins monster

Created: October 13th, 2018 | Role: Illustrator

Pieces of various delicious pastries brought back to life!

A jar of jam dressed in the theme of Halloween with candy corn contents and a jack o'lantern face.

Created: October, 2018 | Role: Illustrator

The best jam for your buck this Halloween!

A log wearing a terrifying hockey mask rises from the water.

Created: August, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Rising up with a hockey mask, out of the water of Camp Crystal Lake, evil stirs! A part of my October Inks and log series!

A log wrapped in mummy fabric is super confused.

Created: October, 2018 | Role: Illustrator

The Mummy Log has one question: 'Why?'

A T-Rex dressed as the Grim Reaper.

Created: September, 2018 | Role: Illustrator

Stalking the Jurassic! The dinosaur you never learned about in school, the Tyrannosaurus of death! The Grim Reapersaur!

A nerdy maple donut with glasses and a pockey protector.

Created: August, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Sometimes donuts are a bit nerdy too!

Captain Pancake is dressed as a vampire!

Created: September, 2018 | Role: Illustrator

Happy Halloween! The spookiest time of the year! Our friend Captain Pancake has his most frightful costume on and is in the Halloween spirit!

Captain Pancake is back and he has a sweet mustache.

Created: August, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

For this installment of Captain Pancake, we just didn't have it in the budget to use CGI to remove the Captain's amazing mustache.

Captain Pancake is dressed in formal wear.

Created: December, 2017 | Role: Illustrator

'I do say, I believe it's breakfast time!' ~Fancy Captain Pancake

Captain Pancake is dressed as Santa Claus carrying a huge bag of presents.

Created: November, 2017 | Role: Illustrator

Merry Christmas to one and all! Captain Pancake is here and is all decked out in his Santa suit to spread some good will, presents and Holiday Cheer!

A dachshund wearing a Chicago hot dog costume runs by with a lunch pail that has the Chicago skyline.

Created: November, 2017 | Role: Illustrator

Just a loyal Chicago Dog running down Lake Shore Drive to the Bears game, bringing you your lunch!

A very large snapping turtle carries a forest city on its back through the water.

Created: October, 2017 | Role: Illustrator

Colorized an old epic piece. Now REBORN!

A crow with multiple heads and wings is covered in blood.

Created: October, 2017 | Role: Illustrator

A wicked multi-headed crow that guards the gates of Hell! It's the Crowberus!

A jar that looks like a witch flies by with her cat on her broom.

Created: October, 2017 | Role: Illustrator

Up, up and away! The skies fill with a cackle of laughter as the Witch Jam takes flight to cast potions and spread fright during Halloween night!

A skater with a jack o'lantern for a head zips by the viewer.

Created: October, 2017 | Role: Illustrator

In October, skaters have Halloween on the brain.

A jar dressed as a scarecrow carries around a bunch of fallen leaves.

Created: September, 2017 | Role: Illustrator

Fall Jam: Best enjoyed during brisk weather!

A jar of jam rides a comet with

Created: September, 2017 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: The universe began when the jar that contained it decided to joy ride on a comet, and the cosmic contents leaked out.

A pumpkin powered by steam has robotic arms and stands over an assortment of jack o' lanterns.

Created: September, 2017 | Role: Illustrator

The steam-powered mechanized wonder!

A watermelon wearing sunglasses rides a skateboard while giving the 'peace' sign.

Created: November, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

You might be cool, but are you a skating watermelon with sunglasses cool?

A log is unamused as someone put an axe in his head.

Created: | Role: Illustrator

This log here just starting the day on the best foot.

A shark floating freely in a forest scene in Springtime, eating a chocolate bunny, face covered in chocolate, while toting a Easter basket.

Created: April, 2017 | Role: Illustrator

Please, everyone, anytime during the Spring, please save us from the threat of invading bunnysuit sharks with a hankering for Easter treats!

A bear is annoyed while wearing a hat that is also a bird's nest.

Created: March, 2017 | Role: Illustrator

Mr. Bear isn't too keen on his sweet new hat the local birds provided.

An old dinosaur is scolding younger dinosaurs with his outreached cane.

Created: March, 2017 | Role: Illustrator

Get out of here with your sportsball, you, YOUNGINS!

A female astronaut floats in space and gives the view the 'hush' gesture.

Created: February, 2017 | Role: Illustrator

If you're patient, they will be revealed.

A little log has a next of birds resting on his head.

Created: January, 2017 | Role: Illustrator

Not all logs have bad days!

An elongated and winding weiner dog winds along the green grass to its bowl and bone.

Created: December, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Happy Spring! Happy Summer! The grass is green! Why not have a great day like this EXTRA LONG dachshund living his best life on a journey to get its bone?

A waffle dressed up in formal wear attending breakfast. Also has a sweet mustache.

Created: December, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

The FANCIEST breakfast guest!

Captain Pancakes descends down from the air to join you for breakfast.

Created: November, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Dropping in for breakfast!

A burger and fries are excited for the weekend!

Created: September, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

It's the weekend! Treat yourself!

A donut in Spring with daisy toppings!

Created: September, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Just an all natural Donut!

A log takes a break and cools down with a popsicle log treat.

Created: August, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

A little log dude enjoying a popsicle on the hot summer day!

A shark with a mullet emerges from the water with a sixer and a sleeveless eagle tee shirt.

Created: July, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Some sharks just like to let the wind blow through their glorious mullet and kick back a ice cold sixer.

A shark emerges from the water with a tiara, presents and a bad attitude.

Created: July, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Birthday Princess Sharks want it their way or there will be hell to pay.

A shark emerges from the water with a half eaten cupcake, frosting on its face, and presents in the background.

Created: July, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Sharks love birthdays more than you could ever know and are always hungry for some sweet birthday cake!

A shark pops out of the water dressed as Uncle Sam, with fireworks going off in the background.

Created: July, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Sharks love American and fireworks on the 4th of July.

A donut with aviator sunglasses, a mustache and a Chicago city flag.

Created: April, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Who has the best donuts? Chicago! This pastry guy hails from the city of broad shoulders, the windy city, Chicago, Illinois.

Maple donuts always keep warm with toasty bacon print scarves!

Created: August, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Maple donuts always keep warm with toasty bacon print scarves!

A donut made of twigs begins to bud leaves while enjoying nature.

Created: April, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Donuts made of twigs begin to bud when it becomes Spring!

A shark dressed as a pink costumed Easter Bunny pops out of the water with an Easter basket of candy, with the candy in the basket and floating in the water.

Created: August, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Sharks love celebrating Easter weekend festivities, stealing Easter candy and Easter eggs, and of course, dressing as an imposter Easter Bunny.

An annoyed sparrow perched on a branch in the Midwest, surrounded by snow.

Created: August, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Knowing full well of the cold and windy Illinois weather this sparrow is dressed for the warmth, this but is still totally over the cold.

A crow perched on a brance, wearing a stocking cap and scarf, really annoyed by the snow.

Created: March, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Crows, the smartest of the birds of the Midwest, frequent visitors of Illinois, made a dumb decision staying behind for the Winter.

An annoyed robin perched on a branch while is snows around him, wearing a stocking cap and crewneck.

Created: January, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Just because the robin is a frequent visitor in Illinois, it doesn't mean this robin hasn't had his fill of cold-ass Midwestern Winters.

An annoyed male cardinal wearing ear muff, a sweater and a scarf, while perched on a branch surrounded by snow.

Created: January, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Just cause it's the state bird of Illinois, doesn't mean it isn't SO OVER winter and ready for warmer weather.

A robot toaster is ejecting two toasted robots.

Created: January, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

The Toasterbot is ready for breakfast!

A shark peeks out of the water covered in kisses and wearing an arrow through its head headpiece.

Created: February, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Sharks love LOVE, Valentine's Day, chocolates, flower and candy. And also those headbands with the arrows thorugh 'em. The best!

A shark dressed as a cherb peeks out of the water to spread some lovin.

Created: February, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Cupid Sharks are just here to spread some loving for Valentines Day to all the hopeless romantics! (And also probably eat you).

Santa Claus shows the agony of his six peppermint claws.

Created: August, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

In a horrible experiment in the frigid North, peppermint was grafted to Santa Claus' bones.

Twelve happy Santa Claus faces.

Created: November, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Twelve Happy Santas ready for Christmas!

Ten happy Santas, one worried one, and one evil one.

Created: January, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Out of these 12 friendly Santas, one is just straight up EVIL.

A bear with a stocking cap sleeps under a starry night sky.

Created: December, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

A super chill bear slumbers under a starry November sky.

A cookie with glasses and a briefcase gets ready for full time employment.

Created: November, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Getting full time is the BEST time.

A cookie with glasses and a briefcase gets ready for business.

Created: November, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Time to make some dough!

A tired chocolate chip cookie holds a mug while yawning, wearing a stocking cap.

Created: November, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Sleepy cookie is a just a wee bit tired.

A shark peeks out of the water with a huge 1970s afro and sideburns.

Created: July, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Not pictured: Bell bottoms.

A grizzly bear running with a football and a white Chicago Bears jersey with the number 72.

Created: September, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

A tribute to Bear's great William 'The Refrigerator' Perry. Not for sale.

A shark with reindeer antlers and a red nose peeks out of the water during a snowfall.

Created: September, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Sharks will stop at nothing to lead the sleigh this Christmas. Keep on the lookout REINDEER.

A shark dressed like Santa Claus emerges from the water with presents and candy.

Created: September, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Santa shark loves gift giving during Christmas and brings presents to all the oceanic creatures!

A large green log dominates other small logs with an explosion of strength.

Created: September, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Other logs = weak. This log = STRONGEST OF ALL.

A bronchosaurus dad just louncing in his chair, reading the prehistoric paper.

Created: August, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

A bronchosaurus dad just louncing in his chair, reading the prehistoric paper.

A small smiling lunch box, with glasses and braces, walks to class.

Created: August, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Just an awkward but happy little lunch pail heading to school!

A triceratops walks to bed with a mug of tea, yawning.

Created: August, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Time for bed for the triceratops of the world.

A bear looks up at a full moon during a starry night.

Created: August, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Just a small bear look out to a big big universe!

A mom shark attends to food while her childern horse around.

Created: July, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

If you little sharks don't settle down I'm sending you to your room!

A dad shark pops out of the water with a pipe and a glass of whiskey.

Created: July, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Dad shark just wants to read the paper and be left the hell alone.

A dad hamburger looks on as his slider children pick on each other.

Created: July, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

The Dad Burger, just reclining in his chair reading the news, has something to say, and it's: HEY! Settle down.

The superhero Captain Pancake stands proud with his blue cape waving behind him.

Created: May, 2015 | Role: Illustrator


An astronaut burger is falling apart in outerspace.

Created: May, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Burgers make horrible astronauts.

A shark is dressed as a leprechan by a pot of gold.

Created: May, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Beware: Sharks have found the end of the rainbow, are dressed like leprechauns or something, and are guarding the pots of gold.

A shark is dressed as a clown at a kid's birthday party complete with balloon animals, but appears to have eaten some of the cake and presents.

Created: July, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Beware: Sharks are infiltrating children's birthday parties dressed as clowns making balloon animals to everyone's delight!

A bear in a stocking cap is dreaming of hot coffee.

Created: January, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

In November, Bears love a hot cup of 'joe!

A bear in a stocking cap has a large mustache.

Created: January, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

In November, Bears tend to grow sweet mustaches!

A log with a face is in a trance, possessed by fungus and mushrooms.

Created: December, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

October Ink of a scary possessed log!

A log carved as a pumpkin is holding a pumpkin in his hand.

Created: December, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

October Ink of a scary Jack O'Lantern log!

A log covered in slime looks terrifying!

Created: December, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

October Ink of a slimey and scary log!

A nerdy shark pops up out of the water.

Created: December, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

Sometimes sharks are a little nerdy, and that's OK!

A scarecrow shark pops out of the water to shoo away the crows.

Created: December, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

The best way to scare away crows is the apex predator of the sea!

Little Red Riding Hood approaches the viewer as her large cape reveals the Big Bad Wolf.

Created: September, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

The Big Bag Wolf lurks in the cape of Lil Red!

A great white shark peeks out of the water all beat up from being a hockey goon.

Created: September, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Enforcer Sharks love MURDERSKATE.

A great white shark peeks out of the water in Lake Michigan with a mustache, hat, and sunglasses.

Created: September, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Great White Sharks love to swim up into Lake Michigan and watch Bears games.

A great white shark peeks out of the water wearing warm weather gear and is surrounded by his Canadian favorites.

Created: September, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Great White North Sharks love Canada and Hockey.

An astronaut with chainsaws for arms steps over a large pile of skulls.

Created: August, 2012 | Role: Illustrator

First Threadless print! The Texas Chainsaw Astronaut steps over a moon of death.

A log getting rained on, while on fair, under a thunderstorm cloud, clearly not having a good day.

Created: May, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

Can't rain all the time...except on this log...and also thunderstorm.

A log resting on a log covered in flames, clearly not having a good day.

Created: May, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

Sometimes Logs have REALLY crummy days.

A skull with branches growing out of the jaw and head on red.

Created: August, 2009 | Role: Illustrator

Red version of my Lumbermancer print piece.

A skull with branches growing out of the jaw and head on black.

Created: September, 2009 | Role: Illustrator

Black and White version of my Lumbermancer print piece.

A skull with branches growing out of the jaw and head on grey.

Created: June, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

Grey version of my Lumbermancer print piece.

A small dog wearing a wet shark costume catches a fish.

Created: May, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

With a sweet shark suit, a little terrier does some fishing.

A cyclops monster with a really big eye is smiling.

Created: May, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

Just an original monster with a big eye and a big heart.

A shark popping out of the water with a cake and presents, frosting on its face.

Created: April, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Sharks love to eat cake, open presents, and celebrate birthdays, just keep your distance if one shows up to your birthday.

A flying cup of coffee darts through the sky!

Created: February, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

A little cup of coffee is up, up and away to start your day!

A huskie puppy operates a mascot robot until he's big and strong to become a mascot himself

Created: December, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

HUSKIE FANS REPRESENT. Here's a new Huskie on a 'mission'! While just a wee huskie, it's all-in getting ready for the big game as a mascot!

A shark pops out of the water that is dressed as a ninja!

Created: February, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Some sharks are huge fans of sewer dwelling turtles!

A shark pops out of the water that is a zombie.

Created: January, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Some sharks just want you for your brains!

A shark pops out of the water with a foam hat and mustache.

Created: December, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Some sharks really like SNL's 'Celebrity Jeopardy'! It's a funny hat. It's funny.

A shark pops out of the water ready to play a game of hockey with a speech caption that has two hockey sticks crossing above a puck.

Created: December, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

The Hockey Shark has it's sticks and puck ready and just wanted to pop in for a quick game.

A log with a mustache walks by.

Created: December, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Logs often patrol the forest in the Fall showing off their wooden mustaches!

A slice of life inside of a beaver dam.

Created: December, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Inside a beaver dam, lives quite a thriving community of little beavers!

A super spicy dingo with a pepper hairpiece.

Created: October, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Threadless sub to compete for the 'greatest Nick on threadless'.

A large robot travels with ketchup, mustard, and burger condiment pals.

Created: August, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Quite the robotic burger stack coming your way!

A witch is tickled by spiders covering her body, while evil things lurk in the background.

Created: August, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Spiders are so tickly aren't they?

An evil circus robot travels with its dark companions.

Created: January, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

The Dark Circusbot travels the land with a show that displays the darkness of the creatures of the night.

A robot builds a star with its hands in the depths of space.

Created: May, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Deep in the dark vacuum of space, epic, awe-inspiring, god-like robots construct brand new stars with their bare hands hands from the fruits of the cosmos!

A victorious warrior stands above a pile of bodies.

Created: July, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Made this for a challenge to see who was the greatest Nick on threadless!

A haunted house looks bored as a spooky bat-filled sky looms above.

Created: July, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Haunted Houses are so bored, is it Halloween yet?

A group of dinosaurs in space suits fight to save their planet from an incoming asteroid shower.

Created: July, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

During their final days, the dinosaurs had one last shot.

A dog and cat share sneers as they pass on rollerskates and a skateboard.

Created: August, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Even on wheels, their rivalry still exists.

A horseman that only has a head and water for a body, rides a horse with octopus tentacles.

Created: June, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

A seahorse and headless horseman of the sea!

A series of old tires comes to life as a dragon as the children playing also use their imagination.

Created: April, 2014 | Role: Illustrator

Imagination and play is endless on the playground!

A character with a slab of ham for a head talks on his cellphone with a popped collar.

Created: March, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

All the bros oblivious to what meatheads they are.

The ocean god Neptune rises from the water and tries to stop Odysseus on his journey home.

Created: March, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Odysseus has to contend with the god of the oceans before he can return home.

A car full of clowns explodes ejecting the clowns into the air.

Created: March, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

So much carnage from such a small car!

A shark dressed as a lumberjack with a warm hat and axe strikes a pose in a woodland setting.

Created: January 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Save our forests from the destruction of the Lumberjack Shark!

A monster is wide eyed after drinking too much caffeine in the Winter.

Created: February, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

This fuzzy, antler and stocking cap wearing original Monster Mr Caffeine might've over-revved on the 'joe trying to keep warm! So jittery!

A smiling monster wearing glasses and sporting a large grin.

Created: February, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Orignal Monster Mr Grin is in a good mood even though his eyesight isn't the best!

A three color popsicle monster with arms and a face meleting in front of the viewer.

Created: February, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Orignal Monster Mr Melty should probably get back in the freezer!

A close up of gooey and cheesy mac and cheese, each macaroni noodle has its own face and personality.

Created: February, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Just a huge pile of mac and cheese noodles!

An underdressed man walking through a field of frozen zombies during a snowstorm.

Created: May, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Winter zombies are just as dangerous as warm weather zombies.

The text 'zombie zombie zombie' repeated in a rough application with zombie heads as the periods of the exclamation points.

Created: July, 2011 | Role: Illustrator

Said three times zombies shall appear!

A group of people enjoy a small ice skating park that the ice is in the text 'wonderland', surrounded by pine trees.

Created: May, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Living, skating and enjoying life in a Winter wonderland!

A small doghouse with a bowl and bone and a heart floating above it.

Created: May, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Just a lovely little dog house.

An annoyed duck dressed in a raincoat and umbrellas avoiding the rain.

Created: May, 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Not everyone enjoys the rain, even those built for water.

A grizzly bear with a pine foreset on its back walking.

Created: July, 2012 | Role: Illustrator

A large grizzly bear lumbers though a pine forest.

A large zero notes that is nothing.

Created: April, 2012 | Role: Illustrator

Math jokes!

A large suitcase with a face steps across the globe.

Created: June, 2011 | Role: Illustrator

Traveling the world!

A whale at the bottom of the ocean surrounded by sunken ships.

Created: August, 2011 | Role: Illustrator

Many have tried, but no one is taking this fiesty whale!

A giant robot with skyscrapers coming out of its head peeking through the clouds.

Created: October, 2010 | Role: Illustrator

Living in the skull of a giant robot in the clouds, what a life!

A woman in a space suit going hush as the stars and vaccum of space rests behind her.

Created: October, 2010 | Role: Illustrator

If you listen, you can hear.

A snapping turtle swimming in water with a city on its back, surrounded by trees.

Created: October, 2010 | Role: Illustrator

A snapping is a protector of a foresty city.

A wiener dog with cool Blues Brothers sunglasses, a chicago themed stocking cap, a mustache, and a suit that looks like a chicago-style hot dog.

Created: August 27th, 2010 | Role: Illustrator

No ketchup, ingredients like it was dragged through a garden, aviator sunglasses, mustache, stocking cap, it's just a little Chicago Dog!

A tree surrounded by saws and power tools but is still standing tall.

Created: August, 2012 | Role: Illustrator

A tree that just doesn't want to go down!

An astronaught holding a particle that is exploding with light.

Created: July, 2012 | Role: Illustrator

Entry into the Society6 Whiteout Challenge.

The number zero happy about seeing positive and negatives.

Created: April, 2012 | Role: Illustrator

A negative zero that is pretty positive!

A ninja robot owl with antlers that's a captain holds his robot arm up.

Created: January, 2012 | Role: Illustrator

The amalgamation of all the popular tee design cliches in 2012. Not for sale.

Monsters playing rock paper scissors.

Created: January, 2012 | Role: Illustrator

A couple monsters engaged in a game of rock paper scissors. Not for sale.

A large red dot playing polka music to the dismay of the woodland creatures.

Created: April, 2011 | Role: Illustrator

A giant red polka dot, playing polka of course!

Four drops of CMYK ink with different personalities facing the viewer.

Created: April, 2011 | Role: Illustrator

CMYK have very differnt and unique personalities.

A panda sitting in grass with arms that are angry snakes.

Created: April, 2011 | Role: Illustrator

Mr Panda is having a horrible day.

A pile of rocks posing as cute pet animals.

Created: May, 2011 | Role: Illustrator

A couple of pet rocks painted as actual pets.

A pair of trees head back after a hard day on the job.

Created: May, 2011 | Role: Illustrator

Threadless sub of a couple of hard working trees. Piece is not for sale.

A burger reverses roles and eats a human instead.

Created: December, 2010 | Role: Illustrator

Threadless remake submission of a RandyOtter Piece. Piece not for sale.

A smiling stump surrounded by green grass that is growing a large leafy mustache.

Created: September, 2010 | Role: Illustrator

Movember sub for Threadless.

A split view of an elephant enslaved at a circus environment in chains, against a view of a healthy elephant in the wild in Africa.

Created: July, 2010 | Role: Illustrator

Design for through Imperial Clothing in Germany. This design is no longer for sale.

A group of farm animals holding a sign for your to eat your veggies instead of them!

Created: July, 2010 | Role: Illustrator

Design for through Imperial Clothing in Germany. This design is no longer for sale.

A sunny city that is suspended in the air by balloons.

Created: July, 2010 | Role: Illustrator

Suspended in the air by hot air ballons, a town thrives!

An annoyed grizzly bear deals with springtime birds making him a hat that serves as their nest.

Created: July, 2010 | Role: Illustrator

Threadless 'Threadwars' community challenge entrant and victor! Unfortunately this original take was lost, but you can still pick it up from Redbubble and Society6! Check out Mr Bear's 2017 for links to all my shops!

A large robot surrounded by circus performers, clouds, balloons, animals, and clowns

Created: June 29th, 2010 | Role: Illustrator

Circusbot brings family fun to everyone across the land!

A fully blooming tree that had a former life as a robot has a bird and hatchlings living in his branches.

Created: May, 2010 | Role: Illustrator

Threadless Community remake challenge of a WanderingBert original!

Hard shell tacos, taco ingredients including tomatoes, cheese, and jalepenos, singing and dancing.

Created: April, 2010 | Role: Illustrator

Hard shell tacos and taco ingredients having a blast!

An astronaut in space wielding chainsaws for hands standing on the surface of the moon.

Created: February, 2010 | Role: Illustrator

The Horror of Outer Space!

Frank has an awesome trucker hat with his name on it, but the other club members don't think so.

Created: September, 2009 | Role: Illustrator

Frank's hat is pretty awesome, but not awesome enough for the Awesome Hat Club.

A crow with four wings and multiple heads against a teal brush stroke background, illustrated in a scary manner.

Created: September, 2009 | Role: Illustrator

At the gates of Hell, the crowberus circles the skies keeping guard!

The state of Illinois, stylized with the text Illinoisjevich superimposed over it with Blagojevichs hair at the top

Created: May, 2009 | Role: Illustrator

Just a tribute to IL's favorite formerly incarcerated Governor!