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Mr Bear's Spring Hat is a hat worn not by choice, but at least it was made with kindness.
The Middle Manager Dodo is not actually extinct but is hiding out, climbing the corporate ladder. Who knew?
Pizza On The Brain Bear is in cheezy, marinara sauce la-la land as it dreams of devouring its next slice!
Pumpkin Thief Ghost is running away with your jack o'lantern and a big helping of candy! The horror!
The Annoyed IL Birds: The Sparrow is totally over the cold Midwestern Winters, but the deep freeze is nearly over! Hooray!
The Annoyed IL Birds: The Crow is totally over the cold Midwestern Winters, and it's going to get even colder! Lord!
Vintage Skull is the second piece for my new Halloween project Ghost-eyed cat! Spooky!
The Valentine's Jam is full of love on this Valentine's Day week! Just look at all them little hearts in that jar!
Mr Pumpkin is here to ring in the start of my new Halloween art project, Ghost-eyed cat! Hooray!
The Donut Bear is either entering hibernation or coming out of it and it's cause for celebration and why not treat yourself to a coffee and a donut!
The Snowball Bear is packing a slew of snowballs and is ready for a spirited snowball fight!
The Fancy Chicago Dog is all decked out and here to ring in the new year! 2025 is here!
The The Pizza Bear is thinking what the heck, Christmas is over, it's time to enjoy some pizza!
The Wore out Novembear is feeling the blues and a bit pooped after all of the hectic energy of the holidays. On to NYE!
The Mrs Claus Shark is working away on all the sweets and treats for any sharp or regular toothed Christmas celebrators might love!
The Annoyed IL Birds: The Robin decided to hang back this year because of fair Winters of the past, and is immediately regretting that decision.
The Annoyed IL Birds: The Cardinal is NOT enjoying this very wintery Winter that we have been struck with this year.
The Grim Reapersaur is the last Tyrannosaurus you'd want to run into if you time traveled back to the Cretaceus!
The Pumpkin Hot Air Balloon drifts through the October sky with a basket full of monsters! Oh my!
The Uber UnderwearBot is out from your dresser and on the march to who knows where!
Lost Sock Skater lost his bud but that's not going to stop him from going out and enjoying life!
Lost Sock Party have gathered to dance and hop around!
The Sleepy Shark is enjoying the Autumn Equinox and the waning daylight and taking advantage by getting to bed earlier!
Safety Third Shark is out here doing shark stuff at full intensity but is not at all concerned with safety!
Sandy Beach Shark is taking full advantage of Labor Day beach closures and playing in this lingering heat!
Back to school lunch pail gal is just so excited for school and is all smiles! New in my shops!
Mascot In Training is relieved after a HUGE upset win over Notre Dame, AT Notre Dame. MEGAHUGE.
Annoyed Lunch Pail Kid is just a bummed out little robot that is sad Summer is over and sad he has to get back to the books!
The Freedom Shark is here as a belated celebration of American independence, but hey, better late than never amiright?!
Potential Fireworks Disaster Shark was a piece I meant to drop for the 4th of July, but hey, why not get a little rowdy with some fireworks at the end of Summer?
Pool Party Merman is chilling by the pool since you can't, prob back to office and back to work, so someone has to hold that pool party down!
Da Patriotic Chicago Dog is all decked out and red, white and blue for the Olympics and American patriotism!
The Shark Skater aren't known for shredding at the skatepark, but they can!
Cosmic Pancake weaves his hands in the swirling matter of the stars and the cosmic makeup of outerspace!
The Squirrel with an Acorn can fly, but sometimes you need to do some leg work to get a tasty acorn!
Fancy Captain Pancake is never not going to be fancy, sporting a tux in defiance of the Summer's heat and humidity!
Captain Pancake's Mustache knows June is winding down but wanted to pop in to show off his sweet 'stache.
Watermelon Skater is the coolest watermelon around and catching that breeze on it's board during all this heat!
Check it out: I was recently commissioned by the NY Tee Club to make this sweet buffalo tee in commemoration and celebration of all things Buffalo, NY and, of course, chicken wings.
This tee is available exclusively through their site so be sure to check it out!
The Skater Pumpkin is defiantly skateboarding in this heat with a pumpkin head because that Halloween vibe is just that important!
All-American Dog is waving a huge American flag for Flag Day! Go big or go home!
Sunglasses Skater Watermelon is out living his best life and getting some fresh air and rays!
Zombie Donut has gone full walking dead, but hey, that gooey jam oozing out looks tasty!
The Cosmic Jam is catching that last comet out of here! And oops, spilling out a new galaxy in the process.
Witch Jam is riding out in the sky like it's Halloween already!
Crowberus swoops in because it's halfway to Halloween! Resurrected this old design off my hard drive and it's updated in all my shops!
The Pumpkin Bun has that mini pumpkin all up in a bun because it's halfway to Halloween!
Watermelon Slice Skater is here for all that sunshine after a nice little feature on Design By Humans to promote Summer designs!
Geriatricasaur knows it's nice and Summer and all but don't drag him out of the A/C to deal with your shenanigans!
Cosmic Donut is a tasty little pastry from outerspace! Updated in my shops!
Spring Chicken is all decked out for the Kentucky Derby with a sweet hat a little coffee to keep toasty!
Spring Shark is just popping out of the water to smell all the Spring flowers!
Cicada Sound System are back and racking a full stack of speakers to add to their seasonal annoyance!
Donutalope has awoke from its Winter slumber and is out there bouncing around.
The Mummy is definitely not a Mom, but definitely a mummy!
The Dog House is quite the active k-9 community of all sorts of dogs, puppies too!
Infinite Wiener Dog is ready to romp around and roll in the grass!
Vampire Fangs has sprung, just like this Spring weather, and is out for BLOOOD. Look out!
St Patrick's Day Shark knows St Patrick's Day as come and gone but he's still gonna party anyway!
Big Irish Flag Chicago Dog is still spreading luck even though St Patrick's Day as come and gone!
St Patrick's Day Chicago Dog is the bestest boy decked out in his green gear for St Patrick's Day!
Chicago-Style Shamrock Dog is one of three new Chicago Dog designs for St Patrick's Day!
Pot O'Gold Shark is keeping guard of the pot of gold as St Patricks Day approaches!!
St Patrick's Day Sweets Shark is ringing in March 1st with a variety of minty treats for St Patricks Day!
St Patrick's Day Donut is a tasty but lucky little donut, so maybe he won't be devoured after all!
The Lucky Shark is popping in with a big ol' bear to give some belated Valentine's Day love to you all!
Captain Bear Hug is popping in with a big ol' bear to give some belated Valentine's Day love to you all!
Pumpkin Spice Latte Bot is here even though he's a bit out of season to help keep you toasty during what is hopefully the last cold spell before nicer weather.
Latte Bot has also been upgraded from my 2013 Daily Robots series to keep all the lattes delivered quickly and intact!
Watermelon Bot has been upgraded from my 2013 Daily Robots series to work nicer on tees and prints! Be sure to check em out below!
Birthday Princess Shark II may be a bit of a diva, but we'll still celebrate her birthday anyway!
Sheet Cake Destruction Shark is here to totally body any and all birthday related sheetcakes. Beware!
Oversized Cowboy Hat Santa says "howdy partners!" while delivering gifts to all the good boys and girls. YEEE-HAWWWW.
The Birthday Shark II is the second in my birthday series to celebrate your pal Nick's bday on the THIRD.
Lumberjack Santa is here cutting some wood because it's finally snowed and early January is feeling more like Christmas than Christmas did. So hey.
Sheet Cake Destruction Shark is here to wish ME a Happy Birthday, and maybe you too if you're a fellow Capricorn!
The Mullet Log didn't have to just flaunt that luscious mullet on us all, but here we are!
The Popsicle Log is probably the only thing that could TRULY enjoy a wood lollipop!
It's cozy season, while there's no snow, doesn't hurt to bulk up a bit like Da Chicago Donut!
Halloween has come and gone but someone better tell Jack O'Lantern in a Cape!
Halloween has come and gone but someone better tell The Mustache Log!
Black Friday is here and The Jolly St Nick Shark has all the sweet deals!
Halloween has come and gone but someone better tell Captain Scarecake!
Halloween Candy Destruction Shark isn"t too choosy when picking Halloween candy to eat. It enjoys every type, bucket, bags and all!
Skatedeck Pumpkin is an older piece with a slight coloration update. Hope you dig it!
Jack O'Lantern Shark has communed with the other pumpkins and has become a jack o"lanter himself! The horror!
Spooky Pancake is off to grab some great candies and treats this Halloween, just keep your distance!
Pumpkin Destruction Shark will destroy all pumpkins in his wake! Beware!
His majesty, The Steampunk Pumpking, rules over the pumpking patch with the occasional puff of steam!
Pirate Ghost is still pillaging and plundering but a bit cuter with his Jolly Roger hat!
The Ghost Skater still out here doing tricks even though he"s no longer a part of the mortal coil!
Crowberus Reborn is on the guard at the gates of Hell! Look out!
The Zombie Shark is on the search out in the high seas for some BRAINS.
Mr Caffeine is hitting the ol "joe a little too hard to keep warm since the temps dropped!
The Lumberjack Shark is ravaging our forests with its perpetual axeing! Save our forests!
The Pumpkin Drummer is here to ring in the new month, the Halloween month, OCTOBER!
Funny Hat Shark was the first work of my "Sharks in Water" series 10 years ago. Time flies. Updated in my shops!
Fall Jam is living it up in a Fall wonderland!
Fall Shark is living that cozycore life and is all about Fall as she pops out of the ocean.
Logstache trots through the forest on the FIRST day of Fall. Time flies.
The Bacon Scarf Maple Donut is here to teach you how to take advatage of those cozy Fall vibes!
High Five Robot is refurbished from my Daily Robots series and here to receive all of your high fives!
Back to School Shark is built to learn and is heading back to school!
Check out Back to School Shark Here!
LunchPailBot is built to learn and is heading back to school!
Back to School Cakes here, and yep, even Captain Pancake had to go to school too!
Check out Back to School Cakes Here!
The Astronaut Burger is just in a total predicament in outerspace, just in time for Labor Day weekend!
The Star Builder just got dusted off and updated in my shops. Join it in creating new stars from the materials in space!
Secrets of Space 2017 is an oldy but a goodie. The secrets are there and will reveal themselves if you"re patient!
The Octopus Carwash is out to keep your ride nice and scrubby dubby clean!
The The Popsicle Log is proof that even logs needs to cool down when it"s hot hot hot out! Also hey, I have a new SUMMER series. Check the links below to learn more!
The Beach Party Shark is enjoying the last days of Summer and they are a hot one! Stay cool out there!
Happy Shark Week! The Ice Cream Sandwich Shark is enjoying some soft ice cream sandwiches. Gotta stay cool in this heat and humidity!
Happy Shark Week! The Ice Cream Cone Shark is here! Summer is still going strong. Just be careful of you hands!
The Pear Skater is ap-pear-rently a really good skater. Look at that kickflip!
Check out The Pear Skater Here!
All sorts of cool skaters here! Check out my skaters series!
The Cherry Skater is a surprisingly good skateboarder for being just a fruit/sometimes garnish!
Check out The Cherry Skater Here!
All sorts of cool skaters here! Check out my skaters series!
The Blackberry Skater is out enjoying Summer, Summer, Summertime! Listening to his sweet jams!
Check out The Blackberry Skater Here!
All sorts of cool skaters here! Check out my skaters series!
Chicago Stocking Cap Dog with Flag isn"t letting bad air quality get him down, or get on his chicago-style hot dog toppings either!
...BERRIES. The Blueberry Skater is out enjoying Summer, Summer, Summertime! Listening to his sweet jams!
Check out The Blueberry Skater Here!
All sorts of cool skaters here! Check out my skaters series!
Da Chicago Hockey Ghost is a big hockey fan, is friendly, and being a ghost isn"t stopping him from loving it all!
Chicago Weiner Dog Skater is cautiously out for a ride. Gotta keep some cold weather gear on, cause it"s the Midwest, and ya just never know!
Check out Chicago Weiner Dog Skater Here!
All sorts of cool skaters here! Check out my skaters series!
All-American Dog is taking advantage of the nice weather and sunny weekend to get in some board time!
All Freelance ALL THE TIME. It"s The FreelanceXP! I"m starting a blog, probably early next year, of all my freelance tips and tricks of living, surviving and thriving in that freelance life.
The Orange Skater is taking advantage of the nice weather and sunny weekend to get in some board time!
Check out The Orange Skater Here!
All sorts of cool skaters here! Check out my skaters series!
The Banana Skater is one of my favorites pieces of my skater series and I hope you dig it too!
Check out The Banana Skater Here!
All sorts of cool skaters here! Check out my skaters series!
The Lightning Cloud is just munching away on some lightning bolts to get powered up for a stormy night!
The Cloud Skater is just vibing on life as he cruises by!
The Thunder Cloud Skater has a cool skateboard, but is looking a little grumpy, and with them lightning bolts, prob best stay out of its way...
Check out Thunder Cloud Skater Here!
Also check out more of my FLUFFY, and sometimes full of thunder, Cloud designs here!
The Coffee Cloud is enjoying the nice weather, but still needs a little extra oomph to start his day!
The Jelly Bean Easter Shark likes jelly beans, probably more than you do, so best be on guard around that Easter Basket!
The Easter Shark is peaking out of the water looking for unmanned baskets full of candy! Be on the lookout!
The Easter Bunny Shark is the current star of my home page, and also is back to totally ruin your weekend egg hunt!
The St Patrick's Day Sweets Shark may be making a belated appearance, but the luck is still strong with this shark!
The Cupid Shark loves LOVE, chocolates, Valentine"s Day cards, and of course, silly arrow headbands!
The Valentine's Day Shark loves LOVE, chocolates, Valentine"s Day cards, and of course, silly arrow headbands!
Chicago Dog: Lunch Pail is still a huge Bears fan even though they didn"t even remotely make it to the playoffs this year.
New Year new ME. I"m hoping to give the Thursday Treat an All-American try and fire up some new comics for the new year.
Da Pancakes is still a huge Bears fan even though they didn"t even remotely make it to the playoffs this year.
Camp Crystal Lake Log rises up out of the water to wish you a Happy, albeit a bit belated, Friday the 13th!
Cupcake Destruction Shark is all about cupcakes. Any kind, any flavor, sprinkles, no sprinkles, they are getting destroyed. Updated in my shops!
Happy Birthday Shark is the original birthday shark, a legend, a true lover of birthdays. Updated in my shops!
The Birthday Party Clown Shark is out making balloon animals, but is probably going to eat your cake, presents, and probably you!
Who else has a winter bday? Any fellow Capricons? Captain Birthday Pancake is here to wish you the hap-hap-happiest bday!
It"s a New Year! What will 2023 bring? In any case, the Skater Chicago Dog is out on his board to ring in the New Year!
Santa Pancake is here to ring in the Holiday Season! Merry Christmas!
Proud to announce that I"m launching Nixkix in the near future: A coaching and kicking site that will document all my tips and thoughs on placekicking.
I used to kick in Highschool, and was pretty good, and wanted to document and teach all the aspring kickers out there everything I know!
A little Skull Jam to start your day, a bit morbid but high in calcium!
The Corn Jam is a little bit Halloween, and a little Midwestern Fall harvest!
Danger Team! A little bit nippy out but the Chicaghost is the out to cause some fright, and is the newest vector on DangerHuskie!
Danger Team! After a bit of a Summer slumber, DangerHuskie is back with The Horns, the newest entry of vector works on DangerHuskie.
The Pumpkin Drummer is holding a steady beat, rocking out the last days of September into October!
Monster Truck Chicken is revved up and ready to go! Who needs to pay for a full seat when you only need the EDGE.
Skater Chicago Dog just got out of the garden and is racing by. Peace, there, Chicago Dog!
Mrs Claus Shark is baking up a storm for the holiday season. Bring your appetite!
Snowman Obliteration Shark is out here destroying all the snowmen. Best be on alert!
Jolly St Nick Shark is here to wish you a Merry Christmas in July, albeit a bit belated.
The Sunglasses Skater Watermelon could be the coolest fruit on a skateboard yet, cooler than me at least...
The Peace Ghost is just a chill little spirit, skateboarding in the afterlife!
The Houson / Texas Chainsaw Astronaut is back again, and hopefully with the HOUSTON title it won"t get pulled from my shops!
The Apple Skater is just crusing by and doesn"t mind a passenger!
The Awesome Hat Club just doesn"t think Frank"s hat is awesome enough. Sorry Frank!
Summertime, grill time, but sometimes the grill game is so good you get The Astronaut Burger!
Time flies, can"t believe it"s the 4th already! In any case check out The Patriotic Shark!
Little Red Riding Hood appears to be in danger! Check out Going To Grandmother's House and hope she"s okay!
Updated in my shops! Spring Birds are cool but the Summer birds are really where it"s at!
Updated in my shops! Infinite Wiener Dog is enjoying the first days of Summer!
A new upcoming project! The Ghost-Eyed Cat will be a new brand/space for Halloween and Horror ideas I"ve been getting ready over the late part of the Winter and this Spring.
Volkert Design! A new portfolio in the works that will focus on my UI/UX, design and branding design work.
A couple more dogs on my vector side project, DangerHuskie!
Oh my how far you"ve come my litt...err, uh...big boned friend.
A new entry to my Easter Series! The Easter Bunny Shark has a basket full of goodies.
A new Zombie Shark has emerged from the water and is looking for brains!
Still within the month of March counts for St Patricks" Day Right?
In any case, my first print of the year!
Super Mario Day, aka Mar10 day, aka 3/10 has come and gone, but my Mario inspired self portraits are here to stay!
Check out Peanut Butter Jelly Time in the Super Mario 3 style here.
Some new WIPs on my dribbble for ideas in the works for DangerHuskie:
Cowboy Jack O Lantern series WIP on Dribbble for DangerHuskie
Pencil vs Eraser WIP on Dribbble for DangerHuskie
New Annoyed Christmas Cryptids WIPs on Dribbble for DangerHuskie
Seen my dribbble lately? I posted up some shots from my machine of some new series in the works for DangerHuskie!
Log Series WIP on Dribbble for DangerHuskie
Trying to get a foothold on the design and art sharing site Designspiration. Maybe you"ll be my first follow?
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Posted up a bunch of new comics for The Monday Comic, DFG, and Helpful Spider.
Enjoy! And have a great 2022! More comics coming soon!
Who has the best donuts? Chicago. Period. My "super fan" Chicago Donut says so as well.
Santa"s Clawns has been chilling in my Xmas series and was overdue for an update. So he"s ready to be unleashed!
Check out my other Christmas, winter and Holiday designs here!
Updated this fine text based illustration for the winter and the holidays!
Check out my other Christmas, winter and Holiday designs here!
Grouped all my sweet sweet socks and undie designs in a new collection!
I"m this week"s featured artist on Design By Humans!
Updated my contact page with links to all my social medias. Feel free to give me a follow!
A couple new sharks all ready to kickoff the new school year.
A couple new DFG comics to tithe your over before I launch a bunch of new ones this Fall
Been plugging away at some Monday Comics over the Summer, be sure to check out the new ones!
All the tasty burgers in my Burger Series have been updated in my shops!
My cloud series has been updated in my shops!
Lost Sock Party has been updated art in my shops!
Lost Sock Party is updated in my redbubble and teepublic shops. Check it out here: Lost Sock Party
Lost Sock Skater has been updated art in my shops!
Lost Sock Skater is updated in my redbubble and teepublic shops. Check it out here: Lost Sock Skater
Realized my "Star Buiilder" Design was in need of some love in form of updated art in my shops!
The Star Builder is updated in my redbubble and teepublic shops. Check it out here: The Star Builder
Another entry in my collection of Spring Designs!
The April Aylesbury is updated in my redbubble and teepublic shops. Check it out here: April Aylesbury
Put a collection together of all my Spring Designs. Check em out!
Check out Spring Birds and others.
Hop into Spring! I updated my Easter Designs. Check em out!
Check out Captain Eastercakes and others.
Super lucky and new works for my St Patricks Day Series.
Check out St Patrick's Day Chicago Dog and others.
Super lucky and new works for my St Patricks Day Series.
Check out The Pot O"Gold Shark and others.
Added a fresh look to my previous Da Chicago Dog
Check out Da Chicago Dog "21 and Da Chicago Dog Text Tee!
Added a new Chicago tribute design to my Chicago Collection.
Check out Da Chicago Gator and Da Chicago Gator Dog Text Tee!
I updated my Valentines Day designs!
Check out The Valentines Day Shark and others.
"12 Santas" was featured on TeePublic the week of Xmas!
Want to pick this up as a sticker or tee now? Check out 12 Santas on Teepublic.
Having a rough 2020, well commemorate it with "Calendar 2020."
Want to pick this up as a sticker or tee now? Check out Calendar 2020 on Redbubble.
Waiting for election results? ME TOO!
I thought my design "The Bad Day Log" fit the mood of everyone right now.
Just updated this design on Redbubble!
My design "The Wellness Apple" was selected by Threadless as the winner of the Wellness Challenge!
My vector side project DangerHuskie is now live. Check out the new site here.
You can also view the work over at the vector section of my portfolio.
My Portfolio update is live! Browse the site to look around. Hopefully everything is linking and working well.
Check out the full write up about the two year endeavor of updating my site in my new blog!