Happy Birthday to Me!
A few of my favorites works for my bday!
Happy birthday weekend to me! To celebrate I wanted to share some of my favorite works!
My birthday was actually Friday, but hey, I'm on vacation and wanted to take the whole weekend to celebrate!
1. The Circusbot
Created in Late June of 2010.
Not really sure where this piece came from other than really wanting to win the "Threadwars" competition on Threadless that prompted this piece. I believe the prompt for the particular round of the competition was "the circus", and some way, some how I came up with this wondrous work.
The original work was a pen and ink drawing on bristol board that I scanned with my large format scanner. After scanned I knocked out the background to isolate the line art, applied the colors and halftones.
2. Nature Walk
Created in the Summer of 2012.
Living in Chicago at the time and being a life long Bears fan, Bears, the team and the actual animal, are always on the brain. So I said, why not draw a bear with a pine forest on its back?
This work was created with my stylus, back when I was rocking the entry level Wacom gear that I had some help buying with money from my Aunt.
Check out the Nature Walk Here!
3. Captain Pancake
Created in the Spring of 2015.
Captain Pancake is another one of my designs that I'm not really sure where it came from but I said down one day and pen and inked him out of the ether and he's been a pretty big hit!
I created the Captain with pen and ink, like I said, and added colors in Photoshop. His look is the basis for all of my subsequent designs of the Cap.
Check out the Captain Pancake Here!
4. Bad Day Log
Created in the Spring of 2014.
Bad Day Log was one of my first designs that got picked up by a tee company for an ongoing print!
For whatever reason a little stump of a log as been my art muse and I thought to give it a really bad day, and this particular one is ablaze with little embers floating up into the sky.
This was also one of my more complicated pieces at the time, using open ended embers, halftones and flames.
This, according to my data, is the 69th work I've created since starting my PBD adventure. NICE.
Check out the Bad Day Log Here!
5. Chicago Dog
Created in the Summer of 2010.
The Chicago Dog is one of my most popular works inspired by my love of Chicago, Chicago-style dogs, and dachshunds.
At one time, this design was sold by Chicago's "The Alley" and I got to visit their office and meet their owner.
To promote the work, they had some of the bus stop benches with the design on it. I would also periodically run into people wearing it when I worked downtown.
According to my data, this is my 23rd design. Which is also a great Chicago number!
Pen, Ink, and Cintiq!
Rendered Works
I love making personal works that I use as a vehicle to explore to constantly learn the programs I use on my day to day, and push my artistic abilities.
Created: March 2nd, 2025 | Role: Illustrator
Mr. Bear has awoke from hibernation and to his surprise, the local birds have made his head their home with a Spring flowers and budding branches!
Created: February 23rd, 2025 | Role: Illustrator
Bears always have pizza on the brain!
Created: February 9th, 2025 | Role: Illustrator
Love is in the air during the week of Valentine's Day! This little jar is full of hearts, sweets and love as spreads loves throughout the day!
Join the Danger Huskie Danger Team
Danger Huskie
Vector works that a fun, cute, scary, and a bit dangerous!
Created: February 23rd, 2025 | Role: Illustrator
Is the fabled DoDo bird actually extinct? Or just rocking a sweet gig in middle management? Looking for your TPS reports? Climbing the corporate ladder?
Created: January 1st, 2025 | Role: Illustrator
Happy New Year! This fancy little dachshund in a tux and a Chicago hot dog costume is here to help you ring in the new year in the fanciest way possible!
Created: July 20th, 2024 | Role: Illustrator
Happy national hot dog day! This Chicago dog is repping the red white and blue, not of the Chicago flag but of the stars and stripes of the American flag!