
Assorted Vectors

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Vectors for fun!

Adobe Illustrator and vector based artworks!

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A shark dressed as cupid surrounded by assorted Valentines chocolates and gifts.

Created: February 5th, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

The cupid shark has horrible aim, but a wicked bite!

A cupid statue breaks away from its pedastal sporting a mini gun.

Created: February 5th, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Commando Cupid is ready to unleash some love!

A pirate with bad luck has two hooks, two peg legs and two eyepatches.

Created: February 23rd, 2016 | Role: Illustrator

Lucky's luck hasn't been the best.

Love is in the air

Valentines Day Designs

Just some sweet, love-filled designs for all the couples out there!

A shark dressed as a cherb peeks out of the water to spread some lovin.

Created: February, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

FACT: Cupid Sharks are just here to spread some loving for Valentines Day to all the hopeless romantics! (And also probably eat you).

Captain Pancake is dressed like a cherub and is holding a bow and arrow and a box of chocolates in the shape of a heart

Created: February 5th, 2019 | Role: Illustrator

Captain Pancake is ready to fill someone's heart with love as Cupid Cakes!

A shark peeks out of the water covered in kisses and wearing an arrow through its head headpiece.

Created: February, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Fact: Sharks love LOVE, Valentine's Day, chocolates, flower and candy. And also those headbands with the arrows thorugh 'em. The best!

Join the Danger Huskie Danger Team

Danger Huskie

Vector works that a fun, cute, scary, and a bit dangerous!

An unsuspecting Dodo bird doesn't realize the fate of his species as he works as a middle manager at a corporation.

Created: February 23rd, 2025 | Role: Illustrator

Is the fabled DoDo bird actually extinct? Or just rocking a sweet gig in middle management? Looking for your TPS reports? Climbing the corporate ladder?

A dachshund in a Chicago style hot dog costume rings in the New Year with a top hat and a monocle. So fancy!

Created: January 1st, 2025 | Role: Illustrator

Happy New Year! This fancy little dachshund in a tux and a Chicago hot dog costume is here to help you ring in the new year in the fanciest way possible!

A Chicago-style hot dog is wearing a red white and blue top hat while carring a large waving American flag.

Created: July 20th, 2024 | Role: Illustrator

Happy national hot dog day! This Chicago dog is repping the red white and blue, not of the Chicago flag but of the stars and stripes of the American flag!

Is that..nah, no way

Sharks in the Wild

Sharks sometimes leave their waters and join humanity in disguise. This is a gallery of spotting of these sharks in the wild!

A shark dressed as a lumberjack with a warm hat and axe strikes a pose in a woodland setting.

Created: January 2013 | Role: Illustrator

Save our forests from the destruction of the Lumberjack Shark!

A shark is dressed as a clown at a kid's birthday party complete with balloon animals, but appears to have eaten some of the cake and presents.

Created: July, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Beware: Sharks are infiltrating children's birthday parties dressed as clowns making balloon animals to everyone's delight!

A shark is dressed as a leprechan by a pot of gold.

Created: May, 2015 | Role: Illustrator

Beware: Sharks have found the end of the rainbow, are dressed like leprechauns or something, and are guarding the pots of gold.